ProIT NTBackup Script

Based on scripts originally provided by Bill Stewart (

Enter the values below and click the Download button
to download a customized zip file containing the scripts

Name Description Input
BACKUP Path to selection set (prepend @) or files to backup
DESTDIR Destination directory
JOBNAME Job name
SETS_TO_KEEP Distinct sets to keep
BACKUP_FILE_NAME Name of backup file (to which '-<set number>' will be appended)
SMTPSERVER Outbound mail server. Needs to relay or accept mail for recipients
SENDER Sender/From e-mail address
RECIPIENTS Destination e-mail address(es). If multiple, sparate with comma only - no spaces


v1.02 2009-10-19
  - Bugfix - quotes on certain variables to hopefully allow
    spaces in selections & dest file (untested)

v1.01 2009-03-10
  - Bugfix - 08;09 day issues fixed with delayed expansion
    and '!' variable notation

v1.0  2009-03-07
  - Initial release